Ibn Battuta part 76


Emperor Isaac when he became ill and afraid that he may die pronounced emperor one of his generals, Constantine Doukas and he became a monk in the monastery of Stoudion where there he died and buried.

Constantine [X (IX)] Doukas [1059-1067] was emperor for seven years and seven months. He had a wife Eudokia Makrembolitissa and sons: Michael, who proclaimed [co-]emperor, Andronikos, and Constantine, who was born in the purple, who was proclaimed as well; and daughters; Zoe, Eirene, Theodora, and Anna.

In the fourth year of his reign the Patriarch Constantine died and the patriarchal throne was empty for five months. In the fifth month proclaimed John Xiphilinos, who was patriarch for eleven years and seven months. He came from Trebizond, of wealthy and renowned parents…

Emperor Constantine died and left his wife and children. He was buried in the monastery of Molibotos inside the Golden Gate.


Eudokia [1067] together with her children, the emperors Michael, Constantine and Andronikos governed for seven months. She held the imperial office together with her children and she did not want to share it with her husband’s brother, John, who had been proclaimed Caesar by Constantine *. but she wanted to govern alone.

Somebody of the generals, from Cappadocia, who had the title of vestarch, named Romanos Diogenes made a revolt in some castles of Thrace. Immediately was arrested and from there was send in chains to the empress and to the interrogators and according to the law was condemned to death. But the empress changed her mind for him, she changed the agreements that made with her husband about the safety of their children and became to be in love with Romanos, where in one night change him from a convict condemned to death to emperor since was married with him before.

*. “Caesar”: Byzantine imperial titles were complex and changeable. “Caesar” was a title of high prestige, but did not, at this stage, imply a claim to imperial power. The whole title system was revamped, or inflated, in the reign of Alexios I [1081-1118].

Romanos IV Diogenes [1068-1071] together with the empress Eudokia and her children Constantine, Michael, Andronikos and Constantine who were co-emperors together with the other children that he had with her, Nikephoros and Leo, He was emperor for three years and eight months*.

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