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Ongoing Balkan Tensions


The Unresolved Ethnic Struggle

While Austria’s recent triumph may temporarily discourage the Balkan Slavs, the racial conflict is likely to resurface. Behind the small kingdom and the Slav principality of Montenegro stands the mighty Empire of Russia. Once Russia overcomes its setbacks in the Far East and resolves internal dissensions National Ambitions and Balkan Politics, it is expected to offer moral support and possibly military assistance to the cause of the southern Slavs.

Thus, the Balkan Question remains an unsolved problem, unaffected by recent events, unless it introduces Austria as another contender in the racial struggle for Southeastern Europe.

Military Convention Between Bulgaria and Greece

Article 1

In case Greece, in accordance with the obligations outlined in the alliance and defense treaty signed in Sofia on May 16, 1912, between Bulgaria and Greece, takes military

National Ambitions and Balkan Politics


At the signing of the Treaty of Berlin, Austria gained influence over Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Bulgaria fell under the presumed influence of Russia. The current situation in the Balkans hasn’t altered this balance between the two empires. While there may be little objection from the powers on this matter, the methods employed by Austria and Bulgaria have stirred discontent among European governments, causing initial grumbling and complaints that have since subsided. Europe has, nevertheless Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria’s Assertiveness, given its approval to acts that highlight the ineffectiveness of the Treaty of Berlin in restraining political actions in the Balkan Peninsula.

Southeastern Europe revolve

The enduring causes of unrest in Southeastern Europe revolve around the national ambitions and animosities among the region’s diverse races. Cavour’s assertion that nationality i

Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria’s Assertiveness


The Austrian government’s proclamation of the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina without the consent of other powers directly violated the Treaty of Berlin. However, the move aligned with the spirit of the treaty, which had practically transferred sovereignty to Austria-Hungary in 1878 due to Turkey’s mismanagement. The Young Turks’ revolution in 1908, providing a constitution to the Ottoman Empire Ongoing Balkan Tensions, empowered Bosnians and Herzegovinians to demand the restoration of full sovereignty to reformed Turkey, backed by representation in the Constantinople parliament and local self-government. Baron von Aerenthal’s independent action in annexing without prior notice or waiting for consent reflected uncertainty about potential opposition from the Bosnians and Herzegovinians and the powers in a congress on restoring Turkish authority.

Bulgaria faced a similar situation with Eastern Rumelia. While t

Unraveling the Life of its Residents


Exploring Perge’s Residences:What kind of houses did the people of Perge, who crafted these beautiful structures and works of art, inhabit?

Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoglu:In our quest to understand the living conditions of Perge’s inhabitants, we focused on the design of their homes and tombs—shelters that served them during their lives and after death. Surprisingly, we opened six houses during our research, revealing their continuous use over approximately 400 years. After various modifications, these houses endured until the 500s A.D. However, this applies to the excavated portion; numerous housing areas in the unexplored section may unveil plainer and more authentic structures. Notably, one house featured a water-closet stone Charting the Path of Perge’s Development through History, traces of kitchen shelves, a well-preserved water tank, and an existing dining room. With an area of nearl

Charting the Path of Perge’s Development through History


Charting the Path of Perge’s Development through History

Q: How has Perge evolved over time?

Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoglu:Perge has been a settlement since ancient times. Changes observed post the 7th Century B.C. can be linked to a new culture arising from the interaction between Greek immigrants and native inhabitants. Urbanization continued in the 5th Century B.C. By the 3rd Century B.C., the site was encircled by robust city walls. Some monuments from this period, including the city gate fortified with round towers and the city walls, still endure in their original positions. However, the zenith of the site’s grandeur occurred during the 2nd Century A.D., the Roman Empire Period. With the Mediterranean Sea termed a ‘Roman Lake’ and Anatolia constituting a Roman State, the absence of wars and defense expenditures fueled a competition among sites to showcase the Empire’s glory Perge’s Hidden History

Perge’s Hidden History


Insights from Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoglu

Q: Commencement of Perge Excavations:
Q: When and how did the excavations start in Perge?

Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoglu:Perge excavations commenced in 1946 under the leadership of Ord. Prof. Dr. Arif Mufit Manser. Since then, the archaeological endeavors have persisted with intermittent pauses. Prof. Dr. Jale Inan assumed responsibility after the passing of Arif Mufit Manser in 1975, and I have been overseeing the project since 1988. Excavations in Turkey require approval from the Board of Ministers and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. However, the Antalya Region Archeological Research Center Unraveling the Life of its Residents, a branch of Istanbul University Faculty of Literature founded in 1954, holds a unique status. This center spearheads excavations in the region.

Q: Recent Discoveries:
Q: What notable artifacts have been uncovered in recent years?

Greek Houses and Monuments


Embark on a historical journey starting at Cumhuriyet Square, strolling through Uzunqargi. Capture the charm of old Greek houses adorned with begonias. At the street’s end stands the impressive Monumental Mausoleum, featuring an epitaph in the Lycian language. The sarcophagus portrays an old man in a contemplative pose and a woman, reflecting the body language of Anatolian people today. Lion heads on the monument serve as handles, believed to ward off evil spirits The Aromatic Breeze of Kas.

Graveyards and Epitaphs around Yeni Mosque

Graveyards with epitaphs grace the West and North sides of the Yeni Mosque, an ancient church. Some feature single rooms, while others boast double rooms, offering a glimpse into the region’s historical burial practices.

Nighttime Magic Unfolds

Antique Theater A Moonlit Marvel

Head right towards the Clukurbag Peninsula to discover the Antique Theater. Crafted f

The Aromatic Breeze of Kas


Aromatic Atmosphere by the Mountains

In Kas, the air carries the sweet scent of thyme, thanks to the winds from the mountains. The low humidity and high oxygen levels make it a delightful experience for visitors. You might even spot an Italian tourist washing their linen at the fountain in the small square facing the port.

Shopping and Souvenirs at the Seaside

The shops along the sea offer a variety of gifts, catering to those seeking souvenirs. In the evenings, the bustling “Street of Restaurants,” particularly popular among young tourists, comes alive. For a quieter dinner experience, visitors can opt for the fish restaurants by the seaside, adorned with colorful and elegant clothing.

Evenings by the Port

After dinner, people gather at the port. Some continue conversations at cafes, while others enjoy the evening sea breeze. The port exudes a unique charm, creating a serene atmosphere Kas.

Kas Morning



A Coastal Gem with Mountainous Essence

Kas’s Aromatic Aura

Kas is embraced by the scents of thyme carried by mountain winds, while the sea breezes echo the melodies of Meis Island at the port. With each visit, you delve deeper into its rich history. For diving enthusiasts, the sea around Kas is a paradise, making it a passionate destination.

From Antiphellos to Kas

Originally known as Antiphellos during antiquity, the city built by the Lycians now goes by the name Kas. “Phellos” in Greek translates to “Stony Place,” a fitting description for Kas. The locals humorously define their village: “The upper side is stone, the down side is sea Greek Houses and Monuments, and the middle is Kas.”

A Blend of Mountain Culture and Coastal Living

Following the exodus of Greek villagers to Greece or the Islands after World War I, Turkoman settlers embraced the vill

Exploring Turkish Traditions and Delights in Marmaris


Exploring Turkish Traditions and Delights in Marmaris

A Cup of Harlot Seeds, Please!

The porcelain cups, perfectly sized for a relaxing coffee experience (50 mg. Caffeine), take center stage in a mystic ceremony. This ritual unveils the past, present, and future, guided by the effects of coffee grounds. Once referred to as ‘harlot seeds’ in Ottoman times, Turkish coffee brings energy and joy, making the cups just as alluring.

Porcelain Beauty Eternity and Immortality

The tree motif on the plate symbolizes family while recalling the Ottoman civilization’s expansion, spanning Asia and Europe. Branches represent the Ottoman reach, portraying the life tree as a mystic connection between the underground and the sky—an embodiment of human existence beyond life Read More about Historical Caravanserais and Architectural Gems.

Ottoman Miniatures and More


Topmost flower


Ibn Battuta part 74


Caribbean Cruises