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Exploring Turkish Traditions and Delights in Marmaris


Exploring Turkish Traditions and Delights in Marmaris

A Cup of Harlot Seeds, Please!

The porcelain cups, perfectly sized for a relaxing coffee experience (50 mg. Caffeine), take center stage in a mystic ceremony. This ritual unveils the past, present, and future, guided by the effects of coffee grounds. Once referred to as ‘harlot seeds’ in Ottoman times, Turkish coffee brings energy and joy, making the cups just as alluring.

Porcelain Beauty Eternity and Immortality

The tree motif on the plate symbolizes family while recalling the Ottoman civilization’s expansion, spanning Asia and Europe. Branches represent the Ottoman reach, portraying the life tree as a mystic connection between the underground and the sky—an embodiment of human existence beyond life Read More about Historical Caravanserais and Architectural Gems.

Ottoman Miniatures and More


Topmost flower


Blue Mosque