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Ongoing Balkan Tensions


The Unresolved Ethnic Struggle

While Austria’s recent triumph may temporarily discourage the Balkan Slavs, the racial conflict is likely to resurface. Behind the small kingdom and the Slav principality of Montenegro stands the mighty Empire of Russia. Once Russia overcomes its setbacks in the Far East and resolves internal dissensions National Ambitions and Balkan Politics, it is expected to offer moral support and possibly military assistance to the cause of the southern Slavs.

Thus, the Balkan Question remains an unsolved problem, unaffected by recent events, unless it introduces Austria as another contender in the racial struggle for Southeastern Europe.

Military Convention Between Bulgaria and Greece

Article 1

In case Greece, in accordance with the obligations outlined in the alliance and defense treaty signed in Sofia on May 16, 1912, between Bulgaria and Greece, takes military

National Ambitions and Balkan Politics


At the signing of the Treaty of Berlin, Austria gained influence over Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Bulgaria fell under the presumed influence of Russia. The current situation in the Balkans hasn’t altered this balance between the two empires. While there may be little objection from the powers on this matter, the methods employed by Austria and Bulgaria have stirred discontent among European governments, causing initial grumbling and complaints that have since subsided. Europe has, nevertheless Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria’s Assertiveness, given its approval to acts that highlight the ineffectiveness of the Treaty of Berlin in restraining political actions in the Balkan Peninsula.

Southeastern Europe revolve

The enduring causes of unrest in Southeastern Europe revolve around the national ambitions and animosities among the region’s diverse races. Cavour’s assertion that nationality i

Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria’s Assertiveness


The Austrian government’s proclamation of the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina without the consent of other powers directly violated the Treaty of Berlin. However, the move aligned with the spirit of the treaty, which had practically transferred sovereignty to Austria-Hungary in 1878 due to Turkey’s mismanagement. The Young Turks’ revolution in 1908, providing a constitution to the Ottoman Empire Ongoing Balkan Tensions, empowered Bosnians and Herzegovinians to demand the restoration of full sovereignty to reformed Turkey, backed by representation in the Constantinople parliament and local self-government. Baron von Aerenthal’s independent action in annexing without prior notice or waiting for consent reflected uncertainty about potential opposition from the Bosnians and Herzegovinians and the powers in a congress on restoring Turkish authority.

Bulgaria faced a similar situation with Eastern Rumelia. While t

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