The Mummy`s Foot part 5
I went home, delighted with my acquisition.With the idea of putting it to profitable use as soon as possible, I placed the foot of...
The Mummy`s Foot part 4
“Ha, ha!—you want the foot of the Princess Hermonthis,”—ex¬claimed the merchant, with a strange giggle, fixing his owlish eyes upon me—“ha, ha, ha!—for a...
The Mummy`s Foot part 3
“No; I have quite enough weapons and instruments of carnage;—I want a small figure, something which will suit me as a paper-weight; for I...
The Mummy`s Foot part 2
Upon the denticulated shelves of several sideboards glittered im¬mense Japanese dishes with red and blue designs relieved by gilded hatching; side by side with...
The Mummy`s Foot part 1
Theophile Gautier (1811—1872)Thophile Gautier was born at Tarbes in the south of France in 1811. He came to Paris as an infant. In 1830...
A Terribly Strange Bed part 15
The smothering canopy was then lowered, but not so noiselessly as I had seen it lowered. When I mentioned this to the Sub-prefect, his...
A Terribly Strange Bed part 14
Away we went through the streets, the Sub-prefect cross-examining and congratulating me in the same breath as we marched at the head of our...
A Terribly Strange Bed part 13
To some men the means of escape which I had discovered might have seemed difficult and dangerous enough—to me the prospect of slipping down...
A Terribly Strange Bed part 12
But ere long all thought was again suspended by the sight of the mur-derous canopy moving once more. After it had remained on the...
A Terribly Strange Bed part 11
Without stopping to draw my breath, without wiping the cold sweat from my face, I rose instantly on my knees to watch the bed-top....